Railcoin is a cryptocurrency designed by and for the railway community.
Railcoin has to be mined and uses the ‘proof of work’ concept. Also, price discovery by trading freely on an exchange will determine its price.
You can obtain Railcoin by mining it on your PC or by being given it as a tip or payment for goods or services. You will also be able to purchase from an exchange where listed.
Many coins do not have anonimity which means it could be possible to trace transactions between wallets. This is not possible with the Cryptonote technology used for Railcoin. See our White Paper for more details.
Mauris id nibh eu ex blandit blandit. Cras vitae tempor lectus, sed condimentum diam. Praesent a eros nisl. Curabitur in tempus urna. Nam tempor fringilla finibus. Curabitur vehicula purus mauris, eget convallis massa gravida vehicula. Nullam ut mi sed augue porttitor posuere et ut justo.
Mauris id nibh eu ex blandit blandit. Cras vitae tempor lectus, sed condimentum diam. Praesent a eros nisl. Curabitur in tempus urna. Nam tempor fringilla finibus. Curabitur vehicula purus mauris, eget convallis massa gravida vehicula. Nullam ut mi sed augue porttitor posuere et ut justo.
Mauris id nibh eu ex blandit blandit. Cras vitae tempor lectus, sed condimentum diam. Praesent a eros nisl. Curabitur in tempus urna. Nam tempor fringilla finibus. Curabitur vehicula purus mauris, eget convallis massa gravida vehicula. Nullam ut mi sed augue porttitor posuere et ut justo.
Transactions should take about 2 minutes. However, we are looking to install masternodes at a later date which should bring this down to around 30 seconds.
Railcoin emission is relatively slow compared to other coins and will take more than 30 years.
If you would like to accept Railcoin at your business you will need to download and install a wallet. You may also post your wallet address on your website if you are an organisation looking for donations.
Railcoin has a 7.5% premine consisting of a 3.75% founders reward and 3.75% for marketing, development, exchange listing fees and other fees..
If you have any skills, ideas or time to donate to Railcoin please get in touch. Just spreading the word helps..